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Privacy policy

What information does the internet shop www.adsystem.com.es collect about users and how can it use it?


Online shop www.adsystem.com.es will use (as well as collect information) about its customers only to the extent necessary to provide services at the highest level. Including, but not limited to: informing its Customers about the products and services offered by our shop. None of the above information will be passed on to third parties for purposes other than those necessary to complete the order/service etc. IP addresses of our users are used in cases such as: diagnosis of problems related to the operation of our server / analysis of security violations or in connection with the management of our website. IP address may also be used to collect or identify demographic data of persons who visit our website. In special cases, we may allow aggregate reports/general thematic summaries to be disclosed to third parties (these summaries do not contain data that allows shoppers to be identified. Occasionally the www.adsystem.com.es website uses "Cookies" files, which serve to facilitate the use of the resources of our website. Cookies contain useful information and are stored on your computer - our server can read them when you reconnect to your computer. Disabling cookies in your browser does not prevent you from accessing the resources of our website. The www.adsystem.com.es website uses cookies to provide content that is most relevant to our interests and for other purposes (e.g. ranking of most viewed and purchased products).



How do we use information from order forms on www.adsystem.com.es?


Our website uses an order form that allows our customers to place orders for information, products and services. These forms allow us to collect contact information from our visitors (such as their email addresses). The information that comes from the order forms is used to process orders, send information about our company and promotional materials. Customers' contact information is also used to contact them when necessary (such as when they need to confirm an order). Users have the option to opt-out of receiving emails from us; see below: Choosing options/opt-out of our services section). Customers' contact information is also used to contact them when necessary.



Protection of minors' privacy


The www.adsystem.com.es online shop does not monitor or verify information about the age of its community - recipients and users of email lists, participants in surveys, or entrants in contests. Contact information from visitors (such as users' email addresses) is used to process orders/send information about our company and promotional materials from some of our partners. Minors should not send any information, place orders, or subscribe to services provided by our site without the knowledge of their parents or guardians.





The www.adsystem.com.es website has security measures in place to protect the data under our control from loss, misuse or alteration. We are committed to protecting any information disclosed to us by customers in accordance with security and confidentiality standards. Access rights to your personal information are strictly limited so that this information does not fall into the hands of unauthorised persons. Only a limited number of authorised employees of www.adsystem.com.es have access to personal and address data, on terms consistent with the Regulation of the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration of 3 June 1998. (Journal of Laws No. 80, Regulation No. 521).



Pixel facebook


We also use marketing tools available through Facebook and provided by Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave. Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA. These tools target advertising on Facebook. Activities in this area are carried out on the basis of legitimate interest in the form of marketing of own products or services. In order to target advertisements personalised to the behaviour of users visiting the www.adsystem.com.es website, a Facebook Pixel has been implemented on the website, which automatically collects information on the use of the website. The information collected in this way is usually transmitted to a Facebook server in the USA and stored there. The information collected within the Facebook Pixel is anonymous, i.e. it does not allow the User to be identified. The Administrator is only informed as to what actions the User has taken within the scope of his page. Facebook can, however, combine this information with other information about you collected as part of your use of Facebook and use it for its own purposes, including marketing. Such activities of Facebook are no longer dependent on the Administrator, and information about them is described in Facebook's privacy policy: https://www.facebook.com/privacy/explanation. From your Facebook account, you can also manage your privacy settings. Facebook Inc. is based in the USA and uses technical infrastructure located in the USA. In order to ensure an adequate level of data protection as required by European legislation, Facebook has joined the EU-US-Privacy Shield programme. As part of an agreement between the US and the European Commission, the latter has determined an adequate level of data protection for companies with Privacy Shield certification.



Google analytics and youtube


We use the services Google Analytics and YouTube, which have their own privacy policies: Google Analytics privacy policy: https://policies.google.com/?hl=pl YouTube privacy policy: https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2801895?hl=pl



Google Ads


We use the Google Ads advertising programme operated by Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA to run advertising campaigns, including remarketing. We carry out activities in this respect based on our legitimate interest in marketing our own products or services. When you visit our website, a Google remarketing cookie is automatically left on your device, which, with the help of a pseudonymous identifier (ID) and based on the pages you have visited, enables interest-based advertising to be displayed. Further processing of the information only takes place if you have consented to Google linking your browsing and application usage history to your account and using the information from your Google account to personalise the advertisements that are displayed on the websites. If, in this case, you are logged in when visiting our website on Google, Google will use your data together with Google Analytics data to create and define target group lists for remarketing purposes on different devices. For this purpose, Google temporarily combines the information collected with Google Analytics data to create the target groups. We would like to emphasise that when using Google Ads, we do not collect any data that would allow you to be identified. Any collation of data in such a way that it becomes personal data may be carried out on Google's part, but to this extent, we are no longer responsible, as Google carries out these activities on the basis of the contract concluded with you as a user of Google services. With Google Ads, the Adsystem is only able to define the audience groups that we would like our advertisements to reach. On this basis, Google decides when and how it will present our advertising to you. In order to use Google Ads, we have implemented a special Google Ads conversion pixel in the code of our website. This pixel uses cookies from Google LLC for the Google Ads service. You can disable these cookies from our website using the cookie management mechanism. You can manage your Ads settings directly on the Google website: https://adssettings.google.com/. If you are interested in the details related to the processing of data within Google Ads, we encourage you to read Google's privacy policy: https://policies.google.com/privacy.



How can you inform us of a data change?


After logging into the system and selecting the Data section, you can make changes or delete your personal data collected during registration and used to log into the system and send the Newsletter. You have the right to request information on the content of the data stored about you, as well as the right to request the amendment, blocking or deletion of your data, and the right to correct errors, add to or update your data. For this purpose, please contact us at the following address: Adsystem Rua Coronel Santos Pedroso Nº11 – 1, Escritório D1500-207 - Lisboa,, or by e-mail to: comercial@adsystem.com.es



Choice of options / cancellation of our services


The internet shop www.adsystem.com.es offers users the possibility to opt out of receiving any information from us, already at the moment when we ask for the visitors' personal data. Our website provides users with several options to ensure that their information is removed from our database, to stop receiving information sent via email, or to opt out of our services. This can be done by following the instructions included in the body of the messages we send, by sending an email to: comercial@adsystem.com.es or by visiting: www.adsystem.com.es - at this address, after logging in, you can change the information you provided when you subscribed to the free e-mailing lists or change your data from our database.